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2024 - 2025 Season Award Scores
300 Will Clark Motiv Men
300 Kyle Bailey Motiv Men
836 Bill Fricke "The" Friday Men
300 Chris Courtney Motiv Men
822 Chris Bauer Motiv Men
300 T.J. Bajkowski Home Comfort Systems VIP Men
813 Jim Fritz TNML
300 Jim Fritz TNML
805 Jim Fritz TNML
300 Jason Miner TNML
2023 - 2024 Season Award Scores
300 Kurt Gieseke Monday Knight Men
300 Eric Swanson Monday Knight Men
300 Mike Wilming Monday Knight Men
300 Alec Dudley Monday Sportsmens
300 Mike Kristofik Monday Sportsmens
300 Chris Kelley Monday Sportsmens
300 Jerry Marrs Monday Sportsmens
300 Jim Fritz Home Comfort Systems V.I.P. Men
300 Kerry Czarnecki Home Comfort Systems V.I.P. Men
300 Adam Landry Home Comfort Systems V.I.P. Men
300 Andy Johnson Home Comfort Systems V.I.P. Men
300 Tom Carter Home Comfort Systems V.I.P. Men
803 Tom Carter Home Comfort Systems V.I.P. Men
300 Jimmy Kulovitz Home Comfort Systems V.I.P. Men
300 Brian Bylls Home Comfort Systems V.I.P. Men
300 Bill McShane Home Comfort Systems V.I.P. Men
300 Jeff Bicek Home Comfort Systems V.I.P. Men
300 Michael Grossklaus Home Comfort Systems V.I.P. Men
300 Glenn Itter Home Comfort Systems V.I.P. Men
300 James Kufer Home Comfort Systems V.I.P. Men
802 James Kufer Home Comfort Systems V.I.P. Men
300 Bobby Pezzulo Motiv Men
805 Bobby Pezzulo Motiv Men
300 Chris Courtney Motiv Men
813 Chris Courtney Motiv Men
300 Tony Pezzulo Motiv Men
804 Tony Pezzulo Motiv Men
300 Scott Thatcher Motiv Men
803 Scott Wiederman Motiv Men
300 Kyle Bailey Motiv Men
300 Tom Sims Motiv Men
300 Jim Fritz Motiv Men
300 Jason Demas Motiv Men
300 Don Emma Motiv Men
300 Will Clark Motiv Men
834 Will Clark Motiv Men
300 Matt Belzey Motiv Men
300 Ian Ridgway Motiv Men
300 Jim Pennino Motiv Men
300 Lucas Kightlinger Motiv Men
300 Jim Lowe Motiv Men
300 Rob Henry TNML
300 Jeremy Cox TNML
300 Bailey Gardner TNML
300 Matt Bebe WSMC
300 Kenny Davis "The" Friday Men
300 Mike Fitzner "The" Friday Men
834 Matt Belzey "The" Friday Men
300 Steven Boyd "The" Friday Men
300 Don Congdon "The" Friday Men
813 Don Congdon "The" Friday Men
835 Jim Fritz "The" Friday Men
300 Charles Bolf "The" Friday Men
300 Mike Byczynski "The" Friday Men
300 Tim Creighton "The" Friday Men
300 Karl Gieseke Friday Mixed
300 Danny Anderson Yorktown Mixed
2022-2023 Honor Scores
802 Curt Bradford Home Comfort Systems V.I.P. Men
824 Ryan Tackitt "The" Friday Men
300 Dan Kole Monday Knight Men
300 Bill Fricke "The" Friday Night Men
300 Robert Farenkopf T.N.M.L.
300 Mike Cunningham T.N.M.L.
300 Eric Swanson Monday Knight Men
802 Mike Zicha Home Comfort Systems V.I.P. Men
300 John Brazda "The" Friday Night Men
847 Gabe Meija - Wicks "The" Friday Night Men
812 Matt Gohla Motiv Men
804 Kyle Bailey Motiv Men
300 Ryan Benjamin "The" Friday Night Men
812 Jim Fritz Home Comfort V.I.P. Mens
300 Matt Belzey Motiv Men
802 Jim Vegetabile "The" Friday Night Men
300 Robert Farenkopf TNML
300 Ed Sutherland TNML
816 Andy Johnson Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Mike Gill "The" Friday Night Men
300 Matt Gohla Motiv Men
300 Kurt Gieseke Monday Knight Men
802 Matt Gohla Motiv Men
300 William "B Rod" Rodriguez Motiv Men
806 William "B Rod" Rodriguez Motiv Men
300 Corey Mc Ready Motiv Men
813 Corey Mc Ready Motiv Men
300 Matt Belzey Motiv Men
821 William "B Rod" Rodriguez Monday Sportsmens
300 William "B Rod" Rodriguez Monday Sportsmens
300 Jon Maveus Monday Sportsmens
300 Michael Nape Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Jim Fritz Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Mike Zicha Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Doug Roetthlisberger Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
813 Craig Keith Motiv Men
300 Jim Pennino Motiv Men
845 JIm Pennino Motiv Men
300 James Kufer Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Jenna Carmenaty Motiv Men
300 Dakota Vostry Monday Sportsmens
805 Craig Keith Monday Sportsmens
300 Bobby Pezzulo Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
827 Bobby Pezzulo Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Rob Wells Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
804 Rob Wells Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
804 Brent Heileg Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
812 Matt Belzey Motiv Men
300 Mike Kristofik Monday Sportsmens
300 Adam Domingo Motiv Men
300 Will Clark Motiv Men
825 Clint Parchem Motiv Men
811 Reggie De Luna "The" Friday Men
300 Mike Kristofik Monday Sportsmens
814 AJ Johnson Monday Sportsmens
300 Jenna Carmenaty Motiv Men
827 AJ Johnson "The" Friday Men
827 Tony Pezzulo Motiv Men
300 AJ Johnson Monday Sportsmens
300 Blobby Pezzulo Motiv Men
300 Willie Grant Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Matt Belzey Motiv Men
300 Jenna Carmenaty Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Lucas Kightlinger Motiv Men
300 Nate Weiner Motiv Men
300 Will Clark Motiv Men
802 Greg Jungels T.N.M.L.
2021 - 2022 Season
808 Rob Wells Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Rob Wells Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Eric Swanson Monday Knight Men
300 Ron Libs "The" Friday Men
300 Mike Kristofik Monday Sportsmens
300 Joe Lichner Monday Sportsmens
300 Matt Gohla District 203
300 Steve Wojdyla Monday Sportsmens
300 Ron Libs "The" Friday Men
300 Ken Luper "The" Friday Men
300 Eric Swanson Monday Knight Men
813 Jason Wojnar Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Jason Wojnar Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
810 Rob Wells Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Brian Kuntz "The" Friday Men
809 Ryan Vegetabile "The" Friday Men
300 Nate Weimer Motiv Men
300 James Lewis Motiv Men
835 James Lewis Motiv Men
821 Jim Fritz Motiv Men
300 Steve Wojdyla Monday Sportsmens
300 Shawn Johnson Monday Sportsmens
300 Tim Dowjotas Friday Wrecks
815 Jim Fritz Yorktown Mixed
300 Jeff Bicek Yorktown Mixed
300 Joey Lichner Monday Sportsmens
300 Jerry Marrs Monday Sportsmens
811 Joe Guerriero Misfits
300 Jim Blumenstien Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Matt Andrzejewski Motiv Men
803 Matt Andrzejewski Motiv Men
300 John Maveus Monday Sportsmens
300 Jim Schnute Foxy Seniors
300 Bill Fricke The Friday Men
300 Tom Sims The Friday Men
300 David Springer The Friday Men
810 Bill Fricke The Friday Men
807 Kelly Schwinn The Friday Men
800 Ken Luper The Friday Men
832 Ed Sutherland T.N.M.L.
300 Yarelis Burgos Sportsmens
300 MIke Kristofik Sportsmens
300 A.J. Johnson Sportsmens
300 Damon Horst Sportsmens
300 Rob Inzinga Monday Knight Men
300 Kevin Paulson Monday Knight Men
300 Jim Brandt Monday Knight Men
803 Eric Valadez Monday Knight Men
300 Mark Karas Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Jim Fritz Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Glen Itter Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Kurt Bradford Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Dan Rack Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Terysa Wojnar Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Brad Paynter Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Don Mack Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Jeff Bicek Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Keith Splitgerber Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
825 Michael Nape Jr Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
812 Jeff Bicek Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
810 Rob Wells Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
806 Glen Itter Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
803 Terysa Wojnar Home Comfort V.I.P. Men
300 Matt Gohla Motiv Men
300 Bobby Pezzulo Motiv Men
300 Kevin Boyles Motiv Men
300 Tony Pezzulo Motiv Men
300 Clint Parchem Motiv Men
300 Jim Pennino Motiv Men
300 Scott Thatcher Motiv Men
300 Matt Andrewzejewski Motiv Men
300 Jason WIlliams Motiv Men
300 Sam Dowell Motiv Men
300 Will Clark Motiv Men
300 Scott Westergren Motiv Men
300 Mike Whitten Motiv Men
300 John Heath Motiv Men
300 Jim Fritz Motiv Men
300 Chris Courtney Motiv Men
836 Chris Courtney Motiv Men
815 WIll Clark Motiv Men
812 Mike Whitten Motiv Men
806 Clint Parchem Motiv Men
2020 - 2021 Season
Clint Parchem 300 Motiv Men
Scott Westergren 300 Motiv Men
Joey Reid 300 VIP Men
Mike Kristofik 300 Monday Sportsmens
Joe Lichner 300 Motiv Men
Sam Dowell 300 Motiv Men
Tony Pezzulo 300 Motiv Men
John Bradford 300 V.I.P. Men
Glenn Itter 300 V.I.P. Men
Michael Nape 812 V.I.P. Men
John Scardamaglia 824 TNML
Jim Lowe 300 Motiv Men
Curt Bradford 300 V.I.P. Men
John Bradford 825 V.I.P. Men
Kurt Geiske 300 Monday Knight Men
Kyle Bailey 300 Motiv Men
John Heath 804 Motiv Men
Larkland Teape 300 Men in Motion
Joey Reid 813 V.I.P. Men
Kevin Boyles 300 MOTIV Men
Joey Ried 300 TNML
Art Mensik 300 V.I.P. Men
Ryan Tackitt 300 Friday Men
Edgar Burgos 300 TNML
Ed Sutherland 300 DUSAC
Ed Sutherland 817 DUSAC
Tony Pezzulo 825 Motiv Men
Kenny Davis 300 Friday Men
Joe Lincher 300 Motiv Men
Steve "Wojbeast" Wojdyla 300 Motiv Men
Gregg Zicha 300 Motiv Men
Kyle Bailey 300 Motiv Men
Phil Moros 300 Motiv Men
Keith Splitgerber 300 DUSAC
Kelley Schwinn 300 Friday Men
T. J. Randall 300 V.I.P. Men
Jim Fritz 300 V.I.P. Men
Jim Fritz 808 V.I.P. Men
Andy Johnson 300 V.I.P. Men
James Kufer 300 V.I.P. Men
James Kufer 836 V.I.P. Men
Ed Sutherland 809 V.I.P. Men
John Scaramaglia 300 V.I.P. Men
Joe Lincher 300 Sportsmens
Kyle Kroll 300 Sportsmens
Kyle Kroll 824 Sportsmens
Tony Pezzulo 300 Motiv Men
Nick Kruml 815 Motiv Men
Bill Fluery 300 WSMC
Tony Clayton 300 TNML
Rob Wells 300 V.I.P. Men
Joey Reid 810 V.I.P. Men
John Heat 300 Motiv Men
Sam Dowell 813 Motiv Men
Matt Gohla 300 Motiv Men
Kevin Boyles 300 Motiv Men
Rob Mickolayck 300 Motiv Men