For over 25 years, Fox Bowl has been an active participant in the communities we serve. We believe strongly in being a good corporate citizen in these communities – our communities. As a corporate citizen, we participate in various community fests and are members of our local Chambers of Commerce and downtown business district organizations. We strongly believe in education and have supported local schools and libraries. We also support many youth organizations and special need events. We at Fox Bowl are proud to be part of this community.

Fox bowl is proud to support BVL and Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans. Thanks to our bowlers, we were able to present a check for $2,500 to support our veterans

- We accept donation requests from non-profit organizations certified as tax-exempt under section 501 (C) (3) of the United States Revenue service code.
- Requests should be submitted on your organization’s letterhead with a valid copy of your organization’s 501(c)(3) letter.
Letter of request should include: Name of Organization and purpose of the donation. Describe the event and include date, location, and expected attendance. - How will the organization recognize Fox Bowl’s support?
- Where to send donation?
- When donation is needed?
- Contact name, phone number, & email
- Typical donation is a Bowling Party for 10 at Fox Bowl.
- All requests must be made no later than 30 days in advance of the event.
- Request is not a guarantee of a donation.
- Submit request by US Mail to: Fox Bowl, 1101 Butterfield Road, IL 60189 or Fax: 630-690-9630 or email us here | No Phone Solicitations